Blog Archive

Tuesday 20 September 2016

BARAC at The World Transformed; Building Black Power - a 2025 vision for race equality

BARAC UK will be faciliating a session at The World Transformed Conference - a four day fringe conference running alongside the Labour Party Conference with a range of sessions run by grassroots organisations like ours. More info at the bottom of this email about the conference.

Our session: Building Black Power; Asserting our right to race equality
Facilitated by Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC ) UK
Chair: Zita Holbourne Co-founder & National Co-Chair BARAC UK
Speakers : Donna Guthrie; BARAC Women's Officer
Colette Williams; PAC45 Co-ordinator / Founder

Panel discussion followed by audience debate
How do we build a Labour Party & wider labour and social movement that focuses on eradicating race injustice and race equality?
Austerity has amplified racism over the past 6 years and led to deepening poverty for black communities. Along side this we have experienced increased racism and injustice ranging from discrimination in the labour market to disproportionate stop & search, deaths at the hands-off the State whilst being denied access to justice because of cuts and a failure to address institutional racism by public authorities including the police.
This event will discuss how radical black movements can work together to build a 2020 vision focused on black leadership and anti racist struggle, uniting the Black labour movement & Labour Party.
We have published the following strategy paper to aid discussion,with the aim of continuing debate after the conference and forming a consensus that brings Black communities, activists, race equality and anti -racist  organisations, the Labour movement , the Labour Party and Momentum together to achieve a common aim.

Click here to read the strategy paper

The World Transformed is free to attend: Register for free tickets

Black Lives Matter! Building Black Power!
3- 5pm, The Gallery. 
Hosted by BARAC 
Between austerity, migrant-bashing and police brutality, racial prejudices and inequalities are only deepening. This panel will explore how black activists can work with each other and the Labour Party to take the anti-racist struggle and black radicalism forwards to 2020.

Chair: Zita Holbourne Co-founder & National Co-Chair BARAC UK
Speakers : Donna Guthrie; BARAC Women's Officer
Colette Williams; Manchester Black Lives Matters; PAC45 Co-ordinator / Founder

We have initiated United Black Labour in support of Jeremy Corbyn, an online discussion platform

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