Introduction by Zita Holbourne, Co-Chair of BARAC UK
BARAC together with the New Black Film Collective (TNBFC) have launched a new petition, calling on the UK film industry to support the screening of 'Dear White People' when it goes on general release in July.
BARAC together with the New Black Film Collective (TNBFC) have launched a new petition, calling on the UK film industry to support the screening of 'Dear White People' when it goes on general release in July.
Whether you love or loathe the film , for us at BARAC UK we are participating in this campaign as a matter of principle. Why shouldn't a film that tackles race and racism, that is written and directed by a black man, be screened in UK cinemas? Why should we only get to see films at our cinemas where black characters are ridiculed, beaten or are the first to die? Furthermore it's a film for diverse audiences and because it explores the issues of racism experienced by black people should not be pigeonholed as a 'black film'. The reaction to Dear White People by the BFI and cinema chains is indicative of the wider racism we encounter throughout the arts and wider society and must be challenged. If not us then who? If not now then when?
‘Dear White People –
Give Us Your Ears!’
Charmaine Simpson
The New Black Film
Dear White People is not just the title
of the film I am desperately trying to distribute in this country but also a
case of ‘life imitating art’ as a Black person who is beseeching you not to
allow another injustice to prevail where we, as a race, have been once again
treated like second-class citizens. Like a fairytale, I shall start from the
beginning but it is a shame that unlike a nightmare, we can’t wake up at the
end knowing that this is all a dream.
Dear White People is a ground-breaking,
Sundance awarding-winning debut feature from Justin Simien that a hit in the US
but for some curious reason, was not picked up for theatrical distribution in
the UK. Now, even though this is the first of many crimes against art that has
been thrown at this title, it was a golden opportunity for The New Black Film
Collective – a network of film programmers, educators and exhibitors of Black
representation on screen, to finally do what we say on our ‘tin’ and that is to
be a champion of cinema from the African Diaspora. It is only by literally
bringing these stories to the mainstream that the dominant culture learns not
to be ‘afraid of the dark’. That white people can go against the conditioning by
the elite that enforces the ‘system of disadvantage based on race’ as quoted in
the film by the leading lady, Sam - and realise that Black people are human too
with complex, fully rounded characters instead of wanting to shoot us unarmed
because you are scared of what is ‘under the hood’.

feature is a satire based on sweeping stereotypes that challenges racial
discrimination and other areas of inequality where nobody is perfect, where the
‘dirty laundry’ of the Black community is also aired and realities of
homophobia, class, mixed relationships and segregation are also a collective
slap in our faces. Therefore, it is paramount that we all fight for this film to
screened far and wide and say Dear BFI
this is not right. Like the BBC and BAFTA, you are institutions that are
supposed to serve all members of society and denying this film lottery funding
for its release because you think there is not enough demand from audiences, or
there is not the appetite from cinemas to take it, are ‘little white lies’ to
stop people from being enlightened.
refuse to become Oliver Twist begging ‘please sir can we have some more’ but rather
emulate Lenny Henry and Greg Dyke in calling out the bastions of British culture
for being ‘hideously white’. We must not
let them allow diversity to be a talking shop or a box to tick – instead put their
lottery money where their mouth is instead of hiding behind fake excuses that
are used to preserve the status quo. We may not win the appeal to overturn your
decision but if making a compliant means that you think twice about rejecting
the next Black distributor that knocks on your door then it is worth it. If it
means having a separate diversity team monitor the application process
objectively for Black applicants, then it is worth it. If it means that we have
to dig into our own pockets to fund the release of this film ourselves so it is
not ‘ghettoised’, then we are certainly worth it - because it will lead to our
empowerment and independence to bring our films to market and build our
cinematic ‘underground railroad’.
it is not fair that once again we have to work that much more harder, sacrifice
that much more when the BFI are continually funding flops distributed by the
same white, middle-class companies that don’t even need the money. BFI cites Nymphomaniac distributed by Curzon as a
successful release that they have funded yet it has it own chain of cinemas and
video on demand platform. All we asked was for £30k to match fund a total spend
of £60K on print & advertising. Instead they said that because we have a
shortened window between the release of the film on screen and then on DVD, it is
a challenge too difficult to overcome when there is traditionally a 16 week gap
and also feel that they are really underwriting our campaign. Nonetheless, Nymphomaniac, a dressed up pornographic movie by Lars Von Trier,
was released the same day in the cinema and online with an 18 certificate. The
BFI gave the distributor £50k of its £200K budget, which is equivalent to David
Cameron claiming benefits after losing his job as prime minster. (We are still
dreaming, remember?)
has to be a spotlight put on white privilege and black disadvantage – this
sense of entitlement and old boys network must be brought crashing down. We
live in a global village and we are stronger for respecting difference and
embracing our commonality. The shining light in all this are the independent
cinemas who have taken us on and are willing to take the risk because they love
the film as a piece of art and a mark of activism. Prince Charles Cinema is giving
us a fighting chance by hosting our premiere, and if it does well, they will
screen it over the all-important opening weekend of July 10th. Then
it is our turn to vote with our feet and make a difference by turning out in
numbers and buying a ticket which will mean more cinemas will open their doors
to us - then it stops being about the colour of our skin and starts being about
the colour of our money.
Do the Right Thing with Dear White People because although we
may not have the seats in parliament that we wanted in the past election, we can
still take our seats in theatres and make our voices count! Let us not predict
a riot this time but a revolution of ideas, reform and policy where fairness
and good practice can be guaranteed under the watchful eye of a diversity
watchdog which is key as we know we are probably only one of two Black
distribution companies in this country and the first to be led by Black women. Dear White People is addressed to you –
Britain, so let this be a love letter for change.
host your own screening -
tickets to Dear White People Premiere -
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