campaign to stop the racist human zoo exhibition, Exhibit B due to take place at the Barbican 23 to 27 September, has
gained almost nine thousand signatures in just over a week and received
national news coverage. Along with the petition's author, activist and
journalist Sara Myers and BARAC UK, the campaign is supported by a broad
range of community campaigners & organisations, including Operation Black Vote (OBV) as well as Unite the Union who have
members working at The Barbican.
BARAC and others have been in dialogue with The Barbican but
so far they have refused to withdraw as hosts of the exhibition
disregarding our concerns and claiming that the exhibition is a lesson
in history. In fact they could not even be bothered to respond to the second communication BARAC sent them.

The exhibition has been met with anger in other countries on
its tour and it is clear from reports that the exhibition which is
curated by Brett Bailey, a white South African, is for white audiences.
This just makes it even worse that he has decided to exhibit the abuse,
torture and murder of black people for a white audience.
It is insulting that the exhibition objectifies black people
and uses actors and actresses, many of them semi naked women, to enact the atrocities and abuses that
black people have experienced through history, it includes black people
placed in cages, an enslaved woman shackled to a bed waiting to be
raped, and an extradited man on an plane seat who died from

These are not scenes that black people need to see to
understand the history of abuse and racism our ancestors experienced, we
are still living with the legacy of racism every day, we are
experiencing deepening racism in the UK and globally. In the UK
austerity is amplying racism, institutional racism is deepening with the
criminalisation of black communities yet the exhibition offers no
solutions to the legacy of racism and the racism we face today. White
people visiting the exhibition who hold racist views are not likely to
change them because of it, in fact we believe the exhibition will
attract people who feel a sense of enjoyment in seeing black people on
display in this way and will simply fuel racism.
This insulting, racist exhibition cannot be excused
by labelling it art any more than inciting racial hatred can be
justified by claiming freedom of speech. Brett Bailey cannot use white privilege to claim an understanding of the black experience on the receiving end of racism.
Protests and activities are planned outside the Barbican and you will receive updates on these if you sign the petition or join the facebook page and event.
You can support the campaign by signing and sharing the petition: SIGN THE PETITION HERE
Sharing this email with your networks together with the petition and facebook event page below.
Joining the facebook event : FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE
Writing to The Barbican and Patrons of the Barbican to complain.
Providing us with a statement of support for the campaign from you / your organisation.
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