Blog Archive

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

19 years after Stephen Lawrence: The Nature of Racism Today - Zita Holbourne, Co-Chair of BARAC to speak

LSESU MEETING "19 years after Stephen Lawrence: The nature of racism today"

LSESU "19 years after Stephen Lawrence: The nature of racism today"
Click here for fb event page

This Thursday: 17:00 until 19:00
LSE Clement's House
The guilty verdicts of Gary Dobson and David Norris are a welcome victory in the struggle for justice for Stephen Lawrence.

However 3 of the racist murderers are still free and it took 19 years for this sentence - Why ?

This meeting will address the nature of racism in
our society and how this can be changed, it would be good to have a debate on how this should take place on our campus!

We will have a panel of speakers including:

Aaron Kiely- NUS NEC speaking on behalf of the NUS Black Students' Campaign

Zita Holbourne- poet, activist and PCS member

Yuri Prasad - journalist who has campaigned since Stephen Lawrence was murdered

TBC a speaker from Jcore - the Jewish council for racial equality

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