Blog Archive

Saturday 20 August 2016

Building Black Power; asserting our right to race equality - BARAC at The World Transformed

BARAC UK will be faciliating a session at The World Transformed Conference - a four day fringe conference running alongside the Labour Party Conference with a range of sessions run by grassroots organisations like ours. More info at the bottom of this email about the conference.

Our session: Building Black Power; Asserting our right to race equality
Facilitated by Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC ) UK
Chair: Zita Holbourne Co-founder & National Co-Chair BARAC UK
Speakers : Donna Guthrie; BARAC Women's Officer
Colette Williams; PAC45 Co-ordinator / Founder
Speaker from Liverpool "Black Lives Matter"
Panel discussion followed by audience debate
How do we build a Labour Party & wider labour and social movement that focuses on eradicating racist injustice and race equality?
Austerity has amplified racism over the past 6 years and led to deepening poverty for black communities. Along side this we have experienced increased racism and injustice from discrimination in the labour market to disproportionate stop & search, deaths at the hands-off the State whilst being denied access to justice because of cuts and a failure to address institutional racism by public authorities including the police.
This event will discuss how radical black movements can work together to build a 2020 vision focused on black leadership and anti racist struggle, uniting the Black labour movement & Labour Party , focused on the impact of austerity & Brexit & challenging institutional racism.
We will publish a briefing paper which will form an initial discussion on how we take the strategy forward with the aim of continuing debate after the conference and forming a consensus that brings Black communities, activists, campaigning organisations, the Labour movement , the Labour Party and Momentum together to achieve a common aim.

We have initiated a United Black Labour in support of Jeremy Corbyn Platform to aid discussion in the lead up to this event which can be joined here:
Follow on twitter here: @UBL4Corbyn
Speakers will set out their 2020 vision & this will be followed by contributions from the audience. The briefing paper will be available on the day & prior via the event website, BARAC UK website and facebook group above.

To faciliate discussion an online platform has been initiated by some of us  and we will post the briefing paper on here.

We welcome your contributions and ideas on the theme on here - see facebook link and twitter handle below:

This is a platform for discussion on the following:

Coming together to unite black* people around supporting Jeremy Corbyn for Labour leadership and more widely a platform for an exchange of ideas, discussion and development of a political consensus around race equality for black members of the Labour Party.

United Black Labour is initiated by Labour Party members of Black Activists Rising Against Cuts (BARAC) UK, who support Jeremy Corbyn.

Our objectives are to:

1. Bring black Labour Party members together who support Jeremy Corbyn to build consensus
2. Offer a platform for creative discussion on race equality legislation and policies we would like to see reflected in Labour Party policy arenas.
3. Bring people together who share a common vision of supporting Jeremy Corbyn for leader whilst building our agenda on race and black communities including those who face multiple discrimination such as young black people and black women. 

We want to work with existing black structures within the Labour Party and the wider labour movement. 

*We define black as all those who come from the African and Asian diasporas.

Twitter @UBL4Jeremy

Momentum announces four day Politics, Art and Culture Event
The World Transformed will take place in Liverpool alongside the Labour Party Conference 24 - 27 September.
As part of the Labour Party Conference fringe, Momentum will host four days of politics, art, music and culture, with the support of contributors
The event will be a space of inclusive and respectful debate, discussion and ideas where attendees have the opportunity to contribute to a radical, positive vision for the 21st century. Attendees of The World Transformed will find contemporary struggles in conversation with new ideas. The event will also be an opportunity for often unheard grassroots voices to connect with the Labour movement.
With over 150 hours of workshops, talks, gigs, film screenings, art exhibitions, book launches, children’s activities, we aim to inspire all to take part in the new politics with their own ideas and contributions.
Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, said in a promotional video for the festival: “I’m going to be there, because I want to see a world transformed. All those people, with all those ideas, ambitions and energy, are going to be there as well. Come along and join us - you’ll have a great experience… Doing things together benefits us all, educates us all, makes us strong, and does change the world
1) Full Listings
Speakers: Aaron Bastaani, Alex Nunns, Alex Scrivener, Alex Williams, Amina Gichinga, Ana Terriente, Andy Green, Ann Pettifor, Anthony Barnett, Assad Rehman, Barbara Jacobson, Ben Chacko, Bice Maiguashca, Cat Boyd, Cat Hobbs, Clive Lewis MP, Colette Williams, Diane Abbott MP, Ellen Clifford, Emma Rees, Faiza Shaheen, Heather Blakey, Helen Hester, Hillary Wainright, Ian Hodson, Jacqui Howard, Jeremy Gilbert, John Christensen, John McDonnell MP, Jon Cruddas MP, Jon Lansman, Kara Wayland Larty, Kate Shea Baird, Ken Loach, Laura Parker, Laura Williams, Leo Panitch, Mark Serwotka, Matt Wrack, Neal Lawson, Neil Lawson, Nick Dearden, Nick Srnicek, Owen Jones, Paul Mason, Paula Peters, Pragna Patel, Rachel Shabi, Richard Seymour, Sarah Jayne Clifton, Selina Todd, Shelly Asquith, Simon Parker, Tatiana Garavito, Vanessa Olonenshaw, Zita Holbourne & more to be announced.
Groups: Again Again, Alborada, Barcelona en Comu, Basic Income Network, Black Activists Rising Against The Cuts, Black Lives Matter Manchester, Brick Lane Debates, Compass, Disabled People Against the Cuts, Global Justice Now, Hillsborough Justice Campaign, IO Publishing, Jacobin, Jubilee Debt Campaign, the Labour Representation Committee, Momentum, Momentum Football, Momentum Women, Momentum Youth and Students, Morning Star, Novara, Podemos, Red Pepper, Talk Socialism & more to be announced


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