Blog Archive

Monday, 12 December 2011

Pension strikes: the public sector vs. austerity - Video by Press TV

'Britain's austerity measures are starting to bite. Millions are in danger of losing their jobs or having their benefits slashed as the government seeks to make cut-backs.

With public sector workers being asked to work longer, for less, and students told the cost of a higher education has in some cases trebled - the fight-back against government plans has begun.

These strikes will also be joined by supporters of the Occupy London SX.

The strikes could have a crippling effect on not just the image of the Coalition- as the spectre of the Poll Tax riots loom large- but could also be the start of many to come. How long could government policy hold out in the face of public opposition?

With the threat of violence to content with, protestors want this to be a mass movement where the voice of the 99% is heard.

Could this be the movement that topples the Coalition government?

The Big Story will be at the heart of the day's events, in and amongst the protestors speaking to strikers, supporters and analysts.'

(Press TV)

Zita Holbourne (PCS, BARAC) on the Battle Bus, supporting the strikes

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