BARAC UK is supporting the campaign to save 22 year old dad from Croydon, Marcus Campbell, who is in a critical condition at Croydon University Hospital after having initially being turned away from the hospital in the summer, wrongly diagnosed with a virus. He was subsequently diagnosed at St Georges Hospital with a rare inflammation of the brain stem. He was transferred to Croydon after 3 months at St Georges, against his family's wishes and the hosptial has stated that should Marcus's heart stop beating they will not resuscitate him.

Marcus's family has been forced to launch a campaign to save him, demanding a transfer to a hospital with a specialist unit that can give him the care that he needs and deserves.
As if Marcus's critical condition was not enough for the family to deal with, they have been treated appallingly by hospital personnel, including being banned from visiting for a number of days, told they must seek permission to pray by his bedside by the hospital's head of security and told not to read the Bible to him because it won't do anything as he is going to die and his mother Sandra being told that she must take his belongings home as he won't be needing them again.
It is an absolute outrage that a family wanting nothing more than to get the best possible care and support for their seriously ill loved one should be treated so inhumanely by the hospital who have attempted to deny them human and religious freedoms.
The petition launched by the family on has rapidly gained over 26000 signatures but more are needed to keep up the pressure. They have staged three protests outside the hosptial supported by their local MP Steve Reed and it is of great concern to learn that at the protest held on Saturday, security barred access to the hospital for some visitors allowing white people to enter but refusing entry to black visitors seemingly on the basis that because they were black they might be supporting the family campaign.
Support is needed by trade unions, community organisations and the wider community to save Marcus and get him moved to a hospital where he can receive the right treatment and care and against the horrific inhumanity, injustice and race and religious discrimination Marcus and his family are facing.

What you can do to help:
- Sign the petition and share widely
- Follow the campaign on twitter and retweet the campaign tweets @plsSaveMarcus #pleasesavemarcus
- Join the facebook page and share: 'Please Save Marcus'
- Send messages of support
- Write and share articles / blogs on the campaign
- Join any planned future actions by the family
For further info please contact the family directly via the twitter / facebook pages or email

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