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Monday 29 February 2016

Trade Union Gen Sec Guilty of Gross Sexism Against Black Woman


Former NAPO General Secretary Jonathan Ledger guilty of serious sexual harassment of black female work colleague.

Napo in their announcement on their website claim that they have apologised to the employee, but this is a deliberate lie. Judge Mark Emerton, acknowledge this was not an apology and stated that on the day of the Remedy Hearing 31/1/2014

Even though the victim was a long-standing member of Unite Union she faced a 'wall of silence', when seeking representation and therefore was forced to self-fund the case herself 

The Claimant's barrister in his submission summarised to the Tribunal that, 'the little value that is attached to the evidence of black women, even the most senior and established ones, demonstrates that racism and sexism is still inherent in the court system. 

In dismissing the majority of her claims including 'unfair dismissal', the court demonstrated its willingness to believe the words of a repeat sexual harasser who continually changed his story right up until the last minute over the consistent evidence of a female victim.' The victim is now considering options as to how she can attract support for her case against NAPO in the Court of Appeal.

BARAC provides support to victims of racism or discrimination in the workplace.  2010 saw the National Association of Probation Officers (NAPO) General Secretary, Mr. Jonathan Ledger resign his post. He had been conducting the most repugnant and disgusting campaign of gross sexual harassment of a senior black woman NAPO official.

Ledger was found guilty by a Employment Tribunal of three serious counts of sexual harassment between June and September 2010. The Tribunal also reported, that based on the evidence presented, it's view on a fourth allegation( that Ledger exposed himself and masturbated in front of the victim ) did take place as alleged on the 4 March 2010, but as the claim was poorly presented, they were unable to rule on that particular claim.

The remedy hearing was heard on 30th and 31st of January 2014 and reporting restrictions lifted.
Lee Jasper co chair of the campaigning organisation Black Activist Against The Cuts ( BARAC ) who provided support to the victim said,

" Jonathan Ledger, former General Secretary of the National Association of Probation Officers conducted a " Jimmy Saville " like reign of terror targeting vulnerable women working in NAPO.  The senior officers of NAPO despite being aware of a history of complaints simply colluded to hound and demonise a black woman colleague with a degree of evil intent that had to be seen to be believed."

He added, " Among the NAPO Executive one man consistently challenged Ledger and provided support to his victims. That man was Harry Fletcher whose resolute stand on this issue was outstanding, NAPO had a fine history of challenging racism and sexism. In the 80/90's They were the leading pioneers in challenging workplace discrimination.

This once proud Union has descended into a cesspit of racism and sexism. Rank and file members will be outraged that they have so terribly let down by a cabal of white trade unionists who have clouded with the activities of their General Secretary, a powerful white man who ruthless and brazenly assaulted women in the organisation.

The victim has reported her complaints catalogued in her work and personal diaries to the 
Metropolitan Police. The Police have been notified of similar complaints involving Jonathan Ledger 
from a number of women who worked in London Probation between 1998 and 2000. The police will support any women with similar complaints involving this individual should they come forward.

The TUC needs to conduct a thorough and transparent public inquiry into this whole matter ensuring the Trade Union movement uses these tragic events as an opportunity to revisit, assess and refresh its demand that Trade Unions uphold the highest standards in promoting equality"

A powerful white man has once again been shown to trample all over the policies, constitution rules and of this once proud Union. The current executive are all implicated and BARAC calls on ordinary NAPO members to take a vote of 'no confidence' in all senior NAPO executive members who colluded with and protected Ledger's campaign of sexual terrorism"

Ledger and Wilson (former Chair) were aided and abetted by a NAPO Officers Group, who once they had received an official victim complaint and a letter expressing serious concern from BARAC, then  conspired to sack the complainant on trumped up charges, instead of dealing with her devastating complaint against both Ledger and Wilson.

The details of her complaint revealed that Ledger had constantly and indecently propositioned her, suggesting that she and her young daughter join him in a threesome and showing her naked pictures of his partner stored on his phone and in March 2010 trapping her in his office, unzipping his trousers and masturbating in front of her. Despite her detailed grievance, 

Tim Wilson and the Officers Group that included Ledger decided that they would hear the grievance against themselves, whilst subsequently initiating disciplinary procedures. This well-known ‘management’ tactic of counter allegation on receipt of a grievance is not only unlawful; it also breaks every single rule in the trade union book.

There was a formal challenge about the process and the clear conflicts of interest. Ledger and Wilson rejected these and decided they would personally adjudicate the complaint against themselves, only supported in this despicable act by the cowardly NAPO Officers Group.

When the complainant refused to take part in this charade she was sacked. Indeed, in March 2012, a temporary female employee of NAPO submitted a grievance against Ledger for sexual harassment, including sending her emails and text messages of an explicit sexual nature, using work email and during work hours. Amongst the allegations made by this other female employee was that Ledger put his hand up her skirt and said he wanted to “f*** her until she moaned and groaned.”

Ledger confirmed under cross-examination, inappropriate behaviour towards a third female employee of NAPO (although she did not make a complaint). Ledger who does not smoke and was seen to have taken a cigarette from her mouth, put it in his mouth, lick it and put it back into her mouth.  This was a sexual act to demean a young Muslim woman, who he knew would be reluctant to complain as an administrative worker. Ledger was using NAPO headquarters, as is his personal fiefdom and relied upon his power as General Secretary to bully, intimidate and ensure all such complaints were bought off or buried.

There is one ray of light in this depressing tale. The one NAPO official who has consistently supported the complainant and relentlessly challenged the scandalous behaviour of NAPO officers is Harry Fletcher, himself a white male.
The victim can be accessed via Lee Jasper.


Co Chair of BARAC

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