Friday, 20 July 2012



On the opening eve of the Olympic Games 2012, Friday 27th of July 6-8pm BARAC is holding an alternative opening  ceremony of the Olympics  2012  in Stratford, London to launch a new initiative focused on mobilising communities and trade unions against the unfair, unjust and discriminatory Tory agenda which is leading to rising unemployment and increasing injustice and inequality:

Equality in our Life Time: A National March on for Jobs and Justice 2013: The 50th anniversary of Dr Martin Luther King’s famous “I have a dream” speech. On August 28th 1963 Dr Martin Luther King led the historic civil rights Jobs and Freedom March on Washington. The march attracted over 300,000 people in a unique and historic effort to end racial segregation, racial prejudice and Jim Crow legislation in the United States. BARAC are inviting black organisations including black structures of trade unions to attend the public meeting on the 27th in order to initiate discussion.


Lee Jasper co-founder / joint National Chair BARAC UK said:
“Next year sees the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington where Rev Martin Luther King gave his iconic I have a dream speech. 50 years on we have to ask ourselves both in the US and here in the UK whether Kings dream has been realised.
As we endure the age of austerity we see the life chances and opportunities of our children evaporate like the morning mist. The gains we made over the last 30 years are all under threat resulting in the next generation of our children facing tougher times ahead than those that faced by their parents and where increasingly the spectate of racial discrimination and not merit will determine to many of their futures.
Our goal must be to achieve equality in our life time or else fail our historic and sacred mission to work hard to improve life for our children.
To do that we need unity of purpose and action. Join to us discuss our proposed march for Jobs & Justice on the anniversary of Dr King’s Civil Rights march on Washington on the 28th August in London. 50 years on the dream is yet to be delivered we march to secure that vision for our children.”

Zita Holbourne, co-founder / joint National Chair BARAC UK said:
“Now is the time to stand up, use our people power collectively to fight against racism, injustice and cuts - we owe it to those that went before us and made many sacrifices to give us better chances, we owe it to ourselves because we deserve better and most importantly we owe it to the next generation to ensure that we secure a better not worse future for them.  My campaign to get The Voice newspaper Olympics media accreditation was successful not just because I was willing to make a stand but because a whole community stood with me.  We need to rise up as one against racism and injustice every time. If we stand for nothing we can expect worse than nothing – equality is never given – it is secured through determination, strength and unity – join us in the fight to achieve equality in our lifetime.”

Simon Woolley, Director of Operation Black Vote said:
“In forcing the Olympic authorities to overturn their decision to exclude the Voice Newspaper, BARAC’s Zita Holbourne has demonstrated what we can do when we work together in a strategic way. Imagine the progress we'd make in football if Black players spoke collectively or BME politicians occasionally spoke with one voice in Parliament. The reality is that Black grass roots organisations will lead the way in Black leadership.”

Speakers on 27th July include:

Chairs: Zita Holbourne (Joint Chair BARAC UK & PCS NEC)
             Lee Jasper (Joint Chair BARAC UK & Human Rights Campaigner)

 John McDonnell MP
 Marcia Rigg, Sean Rigg Justice and Change Campaign
George Ruddock, Editor & MD of GV Media, Publishers of The Voice Newspaper
Tanya Paton, Occupy London and Occupy Faith, 
Adam Lotun, DPAC
Aisha Mirza, UK Uncut  

Colette Williams, Co-Chair of Manchester BARAC

Venue: Stratford Advice Arcade, 107-109 The Grove, Stratford, London, E15 1HP, 5 minutes walk from Stratford Rail, Tube and Bus stations.

                     Lee Jasper, BARAC on 07984181797


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